MODERN TIMES «Devil’s teeth BBA, NOLA Coffee edition w/almonds” 6/6

Another one to go from these Bourbon barrel-aged series from Modern Times. Whilst we already know that their stouts prolly are heavy, complex and amazing (not the first time I try one of theirs), I’m exited about this, contrary to the vanilla & coffee version.

Nose is  still vanilla, and less Bourbon than it’s precedessor. And more coffee features.

First off: It’s sweet- even though not as much as the previously mentioned one. A tad more bitter, with massive presence of coffee this time around. Super balanced, and with a suitable, mildly sweet introduction (much emphazised by the almonds), extremely silky smooth coating. Then, striking heat entering after a long break, like 7-8 seconds in. Very dry finish. Stunning as expected.

The aftertaste is mainly coffee and heat, whilst the almonds are still there. Wow. I can’t find the foundation to critizise it/rate it lower than the vanilla one- this sinply a stunningly good imperial stout, yet once again flawless.


Photo: M. K. Burheim