Faustino microcervejeira «Maldita» (9%) 5/6

MalditaCuriosity-levels are raised to the max, as this bottle states quite an impressive merit: This beer has won gold medal in the World beer cup. What we’re presented with here is a English barley wine from Portugal, dark brown colourwise and pouring a nice head which reveals seducing caramellish notes combined with a light alcoholic sting. (The beer might have been a tad too cold at the time of consumption, room temperature would’ve helped without a doubt) However, aroma is delish and carries clear belgian referances with generously carbonized, especially for a barley wine to be. Taste starts off with sweetness, patiently holding back the bitter coffee references that are to be found at the bottom. Some nut and pear-reference also to be found here. Kind of a hybrid between a more typical belgian brew and a tasty brown ale.