This one has a great nose to it. It’s promising fruity, bitter taste with sweet toffee features and the bitter ending is good. But first & foremost, I find the beautiful colour really inviting, with lots of foam. It’s not as easy to describe right away, but after a short while, it’s there: Grapefruit. Thereafter, a second of caramel followed by an increasingly bitter taste. Swallow once more, and the bitterness grows into a powerful tasty aftertaste.
BREWDOG «Jack Hammer» (7,2%) 4/6
LERVIG «Siste dans» (5,6) 3/6
I’ve had this one lying around for ages… It’s time to crack it. For starters, it has a very very deep yellow color (no wonder as it is way past best before date, but still giving it a shot). There’s close to no head when pouring and the aroma seems highly fruity, like apple cake and caramel notes. Surprisingly, there’s still quite a bit of carbonization going on here, though the taste is a little weak/a pastry-like, lasting for about 3 seconds. But, there’s also some nice citrus herein. There we go; I might have ruined this pale ale to a certain extent by saving it for too long. But I bet it was really good a year ago. It’s still not bad.
WESTVLETEREN «12» (2013) 10,2% 6/6
Brownish-black coloured with a beautiful foamy hat. The nose is highly malty and the actual taste does of course not disappoint. Well-balanced is just the first letter- this is nothing but astonishing. Caramel, Norwegian brown goat cheese, rounded off with the elite of delicious honey. All around in the mouthful, it’s just spreading like a virus throughout, escalating to culminate in a finish of long tasting toffee/lightly bitter climax.
7FJELL «Småtøs» (4,7%) 3/6
Judgnig by the strong smell of lager when opening the bottle, I assume I have an idea of what we’re in for here. Deep yellow in colour, nice head and hardly transparent, together with the rather interesting name (young slag) could somehow seems like a good tease. Strong presence of pilsener, but there’s some fruity notes underneath. Ok, so what does it taste like? Pretty close to perfect in carbonization and overwhelmingly lager’ish, but also hints of earth and vague acidic notes of lemon. Well-balanced and refreshing, but a bit too dry and bitter in aftertaste for my liking.
LERVIG «Sour Suzy» (4%) 3/6
It is with great exitement that I welcome this beer to be consumed, first-timer for me… The presentation is lightly yellow in colour and a little clouded. Carbonization levels are high as usual in this beer category. Nose is boosted by the yeasty aromas of green apples, lime and dry white wine. Very fruity and acidic even in smell, so there’s not such a surprise to find this prolonged in the taste-which kicks of very acidic, with a very, very light body. Could’ve benefitted from a little more body as well as aftertaste. Should be great for late varm summer nights, this.
BALLAST POINT «Grunion» (5,5%) 5/6
This APA holds a gold medal in the Great American Beer Festival. No Wonder- the very hoppy (but comfortably so) nose paves way to forest-like Associations… Mosaic hops provides to a highly floral presentation in this beer. Nice golden colour and pours a great head with the foam lying perfectly as a carpet in the glass. This is Perfect in terms of carbonization-level and mild enough for the malts to step upfront, before the hops positions itself… Which it does in a very suitable way. All in all: This beer is an epitome of well-balancedness. Definately amongst the top of what I’ve had of Pale ales, simply superb and with a long-lasting aftertaste- refreshingly good.
Great Divide brewing «Chocolate oak aged Yeti» (9,5%) 4/6
Visual presentation is dark brown/black. A creamy brown head reveals a rather extensive degree of carbonization. Nose is distinctive roasted dark coffee blend with dark chocolate of pure cocoa. Tastewise, a great spicy start evolves into bitter chocolate, which somehow gives the sweet section a later position than in many stouts… Almost like a reversed fresh hint towards the end, rather than at first. The body is somehow a little heavy, lacking a tad of balance. Nonetheless, the rawmaterial is exeptionally great and helps this version of Yeti over the line of average.
Mort Subite «Goeuze» (4,5%) 3/6
Having tried several of Mort Subite’s series before (and to my liking), it is with pleasure i look forward to having this one. Golden looks, like a lager with lots of carbonization. Nose reveals apples & grapes, a fresh summer/springtime suitable aroma. Quite light/smooth for a goeuze to be, almost like a more dominating lagertaste to it. An acidic lager mind you, on the other hand: Little acid for a goeuze to be. Kinda cider-like in the middle… The sweetness is very subtle. Could have been a bit more complex, but easily drinkable… A good alternative for summer.
Amager «Todd the axeman» (6,5%) 4/6
Here we have Amager’s tribute to overlord brewer, Surly’s own Todd Haug. Visual presentation is lightly yellow in colour and with nice head. Extremely citrus-aromatic, like snorting the florality from a whole forest. Tastewise it is at first fresh and sweet, then a tad bitter… However, not in an extreme sense. I never thought I’d say this but… You taste fabulous, Todd! There’s some orange in here too. but mostly lemon. Sweet at first, then sliding over in that bitterness.
De Struise «Rye tripel reserva» 2013 (10%) 5/6
This bourbon-barrel aged tripel produces one hell of a head when poured. It is dark brown colourwise and almost non-transparent. Nose is very fresh albeit also relatively sweet, one can tell that there’s some sweetness behind the fruity veil. This highly reflects in taste, which kicks of with an exiting subtle tease of acidity, before its just sweetness all over. The caramelmalts… Strongest positioned midway through… Very tasty. The taste lingers long, and the caramel lasts well into the aftertaste. Perhaps most exiting is the fresh attitude that fronts this beer, that is what’s really cool about this one.