Baah! What’s there to say here… I tried it, so I’ll feature it. But to quickly sum things up without wasting anyone’s time: An average, ordinary lager, as boring as they come. Pretty mild in taste though.
Haandbryggeriet «Dobbel dose» (9%) – 5/6
A joy for the tastebuds, extraordinarily great balance secures the superb curves in taste. Stunning sweet elements, medium spiced with tons of fruity taste, citric acidic hints calls for assocciations to springtime, as well as complex degrees of bitterness that entwines into another. This proof of how top notch the art of brewing can be, a great example.
Brewdog «Hardhøst IPA» (9,2) 5/6

Chimay «Peres Trappistes» (9%) 4/6
With a colour as dark that one can’t see through, one expects some heavy business… And it sure is. But especcially in the way, that the sharp taste of alcohol eventually shines through- Because it is draped in a great veil of sweetness and a taste similar to a weissbier (a dunkel one) with grand carbonization. Surprising in the way it takes turns, not in a negative way. As a matter of fact quite tasty for being as sharp as it is.
Vifilfell HF «Black Death» (5,8%) 3/6
Hailing from Island, we’re faced with something that smells of lager. When drinking, it starts off in the same vein, but transforms by quickly adding up with a sense of coffee. There is an interesting, broad variety in the taste, which «sneaks» onto some kind of a sour, bitter direction towards the end.
EFES «Dark» (6,1%) 2/6
Judging by the aroma, roasted coffeebeans and sweet fruit. Nice and refreshing tastewise- one could almost be tricked into believing the beer would carry a fullbodied texture, judging by it’s colour. Midway through the malts becomes dominant, and it’s good- but it also let’s go way too early. Perhaps the brew could’ve benefitted by being matured on brown bottles, rather than clear ones?