Funny, fig-like, yellow-brown… Almost orange colour and small visual traces of carbonation going on here whilst pouring. Nose is floral, grass and soil. Subtle hints of citrus. At first the taste gives a deceptive freshness, before turning a little sweet, and broadening out into autumn-like feel, almost like standing amidst piles of mown grass/hay. Finishes off with amazingly balanced hoppy aftertaste. Very authentic impression, amongst the top-notch of home brews, this one. Makes you want to become a farmer. Remarkable brewery from the motherland, to be honest. Salute!
KINN «Saison Extra» (7,5%) 5/6
Ugly Duck «Funk You» (6,5%) 4/6
Light yellow and inviting, this beer has a great pre-impression already by it’s aroma- with noticeably sour, albeit delicious fruity nose. The Brett is definately there! Tastewise, we land in some citric orchard here, hinting towards green apples, citrus fruit, heavily malt-affected and last but not least, a funny label description, this is a winner at any given time of the year. Mildly extreme and well tasty, this is a great tasting slap-in-the-face which warms for a while.
Haandbryggeriet «Vinter» (7%) 5/6
Mirky and strictly yellow in colour- more so than golden, but little (if any) sedimentation. High level of carbonization produces large head when pouring. Lightly fruity aroma, not overdone in any way… Hints of citrus. Taste is fruity, more and more so for each sip. Starts off in a light manner, quickly becomes definable and eventually, an orange grows inside your mouth. Strong fruity taste, but also very clean, comfortable fruityness which is longlasting. Nice long aftertaste of orange too. A leader amongst the saisons I’ve tasted yet.