Brewed for 1349’s appearance at Hellfest, this IPA seems to have more a UK than US orientation. The colour is somewhere between dark red and dark yellow. Pours very little head. The nose is fruity notes, Heavily maltorientated with a delicious taste and small degree of bitterness. More like an English IPA for sure, however a bit shortlasting… Quick flash of hops before the malts take over. Wish it’d lay longer on the tongue. But for a homebrew to be, this is fantastic.
Vince&Gus «Anticosmic IPA» (7%) 3/6
Brasserie De Saint Sylvestre «3 Monts» (8,5%) 4/6
Bright golden colour, close to transparent content. Mild aroma where the hops reveals some fruithints, albeit in a very modest, subtle way. Great fruityness and overall balance. Definite bitter character. The fruit peaks in the middle and is followed by another bittersting at the end. Kind of reminds me of «Le Chouffe», but with more soil- content. The flavour is rich and hangs on really well for being so mild/underlaying.
Brasserie du Mont Blank «Genepi» (5,9%) 3/6
With it’s almost neon- greenish colour, I must admit that scepticism comes into play when pouring this beer… But judging by the smell, this is most definately beer. The taste is somewhat difficult to describe, but an attempt would be something along the likes of fresh, a little pilsener’ish heavily infusioned with herbs. Exiting- and tasty.