Deep dark in colour, although gives the impression of lightbodied stout- not really thick texturewise as many of the good ones of this sort. Aroma of coffee and some sweet hints, pours small head. Quite fresh, highly definined espresso-taste, and as expected, light texture. The coffeetaste is at front and gives a very bitter taste to this one that prevails- as the main coffee-traces is shortlived, although quite extreme in terms of presence.
Les Brasseurs RJ «Death Valley» (8%) 4/6
Pours about half an inch head, pretty mirky by looks, light brown. Smells of fresh fruit, mainly citrus and apples… The hops shines through. Tastewise, it kicks off with a rather unusual sweetness which evolves in a malty direction. Fullbodied, longlasting, and with a round taste, very well balanced. At first sweet malty taste, before maximizing the curve midway through, then with a smooth bitter leap, before fading out in a subtle acidic opus. But definately centered around the malts.