A little mirky blonde that let’s the sunbeam sparkle through it’s golden nuance-filtre. Being one of the few first African (craft) beers I try in my life, exitement is definately very high. So; what does it contain? Well, first off: Nose is lightly sweet and mildly fruity… Honey infused. Suitable carbonization and medium bodied, the beer kicks off with a subtle hint of bitter hops, evolving into fruityness and is almost meady in taste- with the first impression being comfortably sweet. The honey shows it’s presence midway through, lasting a good while. Very nice introduction to a new continent!
7FJELL «Småtøs» (4,7%) 3/6
Judgnig by the strong smell of lager when opening the bottle, I assume I have an idea of what we’re in for here. Deep yellow in colour, nice head and hardly transparent, together with the rather interesting name (young slag) could somehow seems like a good tease. Strong presence of pilsener, but there’s some fruity notes underneath. Ok, so what does it taste like? Pretty close to perfect in carbonization and overwhelmingly lager’ish, but also hints of earth and vague acidic notes of lemon. Well-balanced and refreshing, but a bit too dry and bitter in aftertaste for my liking.
Nøgne Ø «Summer Sommer» (7,5%) 3/6
Medium golden for the eye, with lots of head. Somewhat fruity and sweetish aroma. Less sense of freshness than expected/hoped for, but the sweet fruity features are still present in taste. Subtly bitter undernotes and generally weak tasteexperience in contrary to the expectations, which one should be able to expect from a summerbeer with 7,5 ABV. There are also traces of honey in here.