BREWSKI «BA75: Barrel aged Imperial stout w vanilla» (12%) 4/6

By the first eye-glance, it looks dark and thick. Quite promising, so to speak. It would be completely wrong to say that it has a little carbonation- cause here there’s none… (to justify a tad, it is serves on tap tho)

The nose is clearly chocolate, along the lines of milk chocolate and mild hints of coffee. When it hits the palate, there’s some nice stuff going on- the milk chocolate is defined more clearly, and mild at first. It is indeed vanilla-dominated, providing yet more sweetness (for those who’s into that kinda thing) 😉

Then, there’s that nice tingly heat being introduced underneath… very smooth. As suspected- this is highly thick bodied beverage.
And it lays quite nicely long at the back of the tongue, heat from bourbon combined with a dry, bitter ending. Me likey!